IEBP in the Icelandic news Morgunblaðið two weeks in a row

by | Apr 23, 2024 | News

The Iceland EcoBusiness Park was featured in Morgunblaðið – the main Icelandic newspaper – two weeks in a row.

“Rækta japönsk jarðarber á Íslandi” – Cultivating Japanese Strawberries in Iceland – 18.04.24

On April 18th, we collaborated with iFarm, our first tenant, to host a tasting event introducing the first Japanese strawberries grown in Iceland. The strawberry ICHI-GO (meaning strawberry in Japanese) has a really characteristic taste: juicy with a mix of sweet and sour!

This is a first for Iceland to have fresh products originated from Japan but grown in the country in Helguvík within the EcoBusiness Park. We are proud of Ken Noda, CTO of iFarm, for his commitment to introduce a piece of the Japanese culture to Icelanders.

Follow him and his marketing activities on Instagram @ichigo_iceland.

“Líf að færast í Græna iðngarðinn” – Life is moving at the Iceland EcoBusiness Park – 23.04.24

On April, 23rd, Kjartan Eiriksson got interviewed to present IEBP project in details to Morgunbláðið and share the latest news. He described the vision that we have for the building with its 30,000 sqm and more than 7m height. Kjartan emphasised the importance of using our network to talk about IEBP and attract new companies, industries or startup to come in. We are already in discussion with several different companies for them to have their offices in the park. It is expected to start the contructions work this summer and be able to deliver the news space for a couple of companies by the beginning of 2025.

A warm thank you to Baldur Arnarson, the journalist from MBL who featured IEBP in both articles.