French translation of our website: expansion of our global reach!

by | Jun 11, 2024 | News

The Iceland EcoBusiness Park is proud to announce the translation of its website into French by the French intern Eloise Tomei.

Eloise Tomei – a dedicated French student pursuing a Master’s Degree in   International Business and Applied Foreign Languages at the University of Nantes, France – joined the Iceland Ocean Cluster a few months ago. Eloise has a strong excitement for innovation and a keen interest in fostering cross-cultural communication. After translating the website of the Iceland Ocean cluster she took it upon herself to do the same for the IEBP one.

Eloise Tomei – a dedicated French student pursuing a Master’s Degree in International Business and Applied Foreign Languages at the University of Nantes, France – joined the Iceland Ocean Cluster a few months ago. Eloise has a strong excitement for innovation and a keen interest in fostering cross-cultural communication.

After translating the website of the Iceland Ocean cluster she took it upon herself to do the same for the IEBP one. The translation of the website will be maintained by Justine Vanhalst, project manager at IEBP, who is also a French national. This will allow IEBP to connect with a broader audience, foster collaborations, and facilitate knowledge exchange within the French-speaking community. We are grateful for Eloise’s work and eager to engage with the French-speaking communities worldwide. Click on the french flag in the top right menu to access the french website.

Justine Vanhalst & Eloise Tomei, two native French at IEBP.

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